PayPerPost is a Legit company that pays for you to blog about certain topics from a rather large list of theres. All you have to do is Submit your blog to their page make sure you read their terms of service to make sure that your blog is old enough, and has enough post, add their badge to their badge to your side bar and wait to be approved. The day you get the email that you are approved you can log into PayPerPost, go to open opportunities, reserve you spot on an opportunity, and start making money!
Now once your post was approved PayPerPost will Pay-pal you the money that the post was worth, Can it get any easier than that?
Now that you have the run down on things and you still think you would like to be a Postie for PayPerPost head on over there now and get your blog approved now it does take a few days so don't get frustrated with them but it is well worth the wait I promise!
blog network
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